Good Topics for an Argumentative Essay...

Good Topics for an Argumentative Essay...

Published by admin on 27th July 2021


You will be required to write an argumentative essay at a certain stage in your academic life. An argumentative essay is pretty self-explanatory: an essay in which students will make an argument and use facts and information to support their perspective.

However, not all subjects for argumentative essays are treated similarly. Not only would you need to arrange your essay correctly to make a good impression on the mind, but your choice of words may also influence the way readers feel about the essay.

The argumentative essay writing service is here to help you choose a topic if you are having difficulty in choosing one for yourself. Here is a list of 100+ argumentative essay topics.

  1. Why is a law not the same for everyone?
  2. Can money buy everything?
  3. Stance on legalization of same-sex marriages
  4. Why aren’t people with disabilities provided equal opportunities?
  5. Is it important for a politician to get a political degree?
  6. How deeply rooted corruption is in our society?
  7. Political parties and their illegal endeavors
  8. Does the world need monarchy in the 21st Century?
  9. Are serial killers born or made?
  10. Criminals: Is it nature or nurture?
  11. Are we all good at heart?
  12. How effective is therapy for a mental disorder?
  13. The need for physical education in academic institutions
  14. Does participation in sports negatively affect academic performance?
  15. Is gun violence caused by video games?
  16. Integrating technology in the education system
  17. Is technology affecting creativity adversely?
  18. What is the role of social media in modern education?
  19. How far along has technology come?
  20. Should the internet be without censorship?
  21. Social networking platforms and education
  22. Are children losing interest in education because of the internet?
  23. Are internet careers fruitful in long term?
  24. What are the causes of obesity?
  25. What could be done to help teens keep a healthy weight?
  26. What should be the ideal time to retire in sports?
  27. Are people above 60 really not eligible to continue working?
  28. Can technology isolate people?
  29. Online friendships: A blessing or curse?
  30. Why Arts is still not considered a legitimate career?
  31. Should parents be allowed to make career choices for their children?
  32. Are all parents selfless and loving?
  33. Is Music and Direction considered art?
  34. What if superhero movies were made based on the laws of physics?
  35. Why are paintings so expensive?
  36. Should marijuana be legalized?
  37. Are the current taxation policies of our country effective?
  38. Should college education be as expensive as it is?
  39. Problems caused by the #Metoo movement and all the good that has come out of it
  40. What are the rules and laws regarding sexual harassment that everyone should know about?
  41. Harassment in-office setting, what should an individual do?
  42. Is harassment only limited to women or men who also experience it?
  43. Should it be ok for a minor to kill someone and get little jail time because of their age?
  44. An educated person is not necessarily a smart person
  45. Exam results and the never-ending debate for their importance
  46. Can result accurately define a student’s ability?
  47. The role of religion in an individual’s life
  48. Why is atheism on the rise?
  49. Internet and its effects on the mental and physical health of a child
  50. Can adults be also addicted to social media?
  51. Influencer culture: The dark secrets of the otherwise glamorous lifestyle
  52. Is digital marketing the best way of advertisement in today’s world?
  53. Why have we compromised on our privacy on the internet so easily?
  54. United States and it is gun control laws
  55. Exercise is essential for a healthy life
  56. Importance of therapy in today’s exhausted world
  57. Why are people still unsure about reaching out to a psychologist or psychiatrist?
  58. Role of fast food in the rising obesity
  59. Do Smartphones really help with educating children?
  60. Teenagers and their growing desire to stay online instead of meeting friends face to face
  61. When are we really comfortable?
  62. Things we can do to promote gender equality
  63. Transgender and their  long-overdue rights
  64. Life after death
  65. The importance of NGO’s in this society
  66. A negative experience of high school life will majorly affect the future of a child
  67. What is causing hate crimes to rise?
  68. Is age just a number?
  69. Bullying and its negative impacts on an individual’s mind
  70. Mothers and fathers: Who is the better parent naturally?
  71. Politics can never be fair
  72. If you want to live in this world, you have to be a little selfish
  73. Relation between hard work and success
  74. Does education guarantee success?
  75. Is it okay for teenagers to idolize celebrities?
  76. Differences between being a fan and obsessing over someone
  77. Negative thinking and its effect on our everyday life
  78. Can positivity only change perspectives or it has the tendency to change lives?
  79. Can music help students study?
  80. Do girls face more societal pressure than boys?
  81. Is a man only loved completely if he is earning more?
  82. Does money bring respect?
  83. Why should a commitment-phobic person refrain from keeping a pet?
  84. Positive effects of keeping a pet
  85. Teachers vs. Parents, who is more responsible for a better upbringing?
  86. Alcohol and its availability to minors
  87. How should an academic institute handle a harassment case against their professor?
  88. Are SMART goals effective or is it just another hoax?
  89. Online tutorials, the new way of learning
  90. How should students with dyslexia or other learning difficulties be treated?
  91. Cartoons and the hidden subliminal messages
  92. Illuminati and its widespread roots in the entertainment industry
  93. Are movies and the entertainment industry still objectifying women?
  94. Taxation rules should be different for the rich 1%
  95. Cartoon or a movie, which is better?
  96. Are part-time jobs inversely affecting education?
  97. Political parties and their ideologies
  98. What can a government do to reduce income inequality?
  99. Capitalism vs. Socialism
  100. Racism and its effects on the world